Friday Faves // Vol. 4

August 15, 2014

1.’s Pinterest page. Bando’s pins are just a lot of fun. Those peeps have a way of making life like one big party. All the time.

2. Imogen Heap’s new album. I just got a first listen to Sparks over at NPR this this week. Guys…this girl is dang talented. (Just thought I’d let you in on that in case you didn’t know already.) Have you seen how she does her music? She pretty much just does everything at once. Right there. With microphones on her wrist. Anyway. You should check out Sparks. My favorites are the very first track, “You Know Where to Find Me,” and the track “Me, The Machine,” found at around 35:00-ish.

Photo credit.

3. Food52’s “without a recipe” column. Now, this is a series of blog posts that totally jives with my philosophy toward cooking*. Here Food52 is sharing various dishes that you can quickly and easily learn how to make without having to look at a recipe. The posts are kinda long and detailed, but they really are things that you can memorize after the first couple of run-throughs. And I feel like it’s pretty empowering to be able to create a dish without pulling out your cookbook, am I right?

Plus then you’ll probably dine at home more often 😉

*Note that I’m talking cooking and not baking here.

4. This graphic from A Pair of Pears. (At least, I believe this blog is the source.) Ha, I can’t even tell you how true this feels from time to time.

5. This 25-second video of a kitten sitting “very proper.” Of course.

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